Schleich Cheetah Cub #14866
3+ Years

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.
Schleich Cheetah Cub measures: 2.4" L x 1.5" T.
The cubs are born helpless and vulnerable, and their mother will protect them fiercely. They will stay with her for around two years until they are old enough to survive on their own. During this time, the cubs will learn to hunt, play, and interact with other cheetahs.
Cheetah cubs are very playful and inquisitive. They are also very active and can often be seen chasing each other around, or playing with sticks and leaves. They also love to pounce and wrestle with each other, which helps them to practice their hunting skills and build strength.
The cubs are also very fast and can reach speeds of up to 60 mph. This helps them to escape from predators, and also helps them to catch their prey.
The sassy cheetah baby looks so cute with its beady little eyes and black snub nose. At birth it weighs only 300 grams, but by now it's already had some time to grow. You can tell right away that it's a cheetah baby by its typical black spots. It playfully raises a paw - I think it wants to catch something. Maybe a leaf blowing in the wind? Or has someone thrown it a ball of wool?.
Part of the Wild Life Series by Schleich.
Hand Painted. Made of durable synthetic material.
Product Code: Schleich 14866 by Schleich
3+ Years
Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.