Safari Ltd. Prehistoric Collection - Megalodon #303329
3+ Years

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.
The Safari Ltd. Megalodon is a hand painted figure and is made of durable synthetic material.
Safari Ltd. Megalodon Review:
The Safari Ltd. Megalodon has 3 rows of teeth. Also, as of this writing, the Safari Ltd. Megalodon is the least expensive Megalodon we offer. Its lowest price is its best feature LOL. The main issue with this figure is the mouth. While it does have 3 rows of teeth, it simply does not have a good sculpt on the mouth and the teeth are rudimentary at best. We would rate its other features as below average relative to the other figures available. If price is your only factor, this is your best option. If you can stretch your budget to any of the other figures, they are worth the upgrade.
Checkout our Megalodon Buying Guide if you are unsure which Megalodon is right for you!
Megalodon Toy Buying Guide (Hit the BACK button when done reviewing)
Megalodon Shark Facts:The word "Megalodon" literally translates to "big tooth" and the Megalodon was likely one of the largest and most dangerous predators that lived in the water. Scientists know that the Megalodon was a large creature, but exactly how large is unknown. The problem is that a complete Megalodon fossil has never been found so the size and appearance estimates are based on fragmentary remains.
Most estimates of the Megalodon's size and appearance are based on fragment remains of teeth that have been found. Extrapolating current day shark teeth data against found Megalodon teeth provides an estimate of a 35 foot length (on average) with a maximum length estimated to be up to 65 feet. It had powerful jaws with an estimated bite force of 40,000 lbf - which could easily crush any bones.
At that giant size, the Megalodon clearly had a major impact on the marine community in which it lived. Near the top of the ocean "food chain" it likely targeted only the largest of prey - whales, seals, etc. Like the old joke - What's a Megalodon eat" - whatever it wants. However, it likely did face competition from other large predators such as the Livyatan.
The Megalodon lived approximately 25 million years ago. There are many thoughts as to why the Megalodon became extinct. The ice age cooling the oceans, lowering sea levels, loss of nursing areas, and reduction of food sources are just some of the possible reasons.Megalodon was a huge shark (almost 60 feet in length) that lived during the Cenozoic Era (23-2.6 million years ago). It probably looked like a larger, heavier version of the living great white shark. It was one of the most powerful predators that ever lived. Fossils of megalodon have been found in many places, and it is believed that it lived in all of the oceans of the world.
Product Code: saf303329 Safari Ltd. 303329 by Safari Ltd.
3+ Years
Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.