Safari Ltd. Wildlife - Bull Moose #181029
3+ Years

Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.
The Safari Ltd. Moose #181029 measures:
4.25" L (antler to rear leg) x 4.25" T.
The face is fine, the dewlap, is of average size.
This figure is that it is the only one with white on the eyes
However, the antlers are undersized in our opinion, and the shape of the antlers is more simple than on some of the other available models. This may be a drawback for collectors who are looking for a more detailed and accurate representation of the moose.
Checkout our Moose Bull Buying Guide if you are unsure which Moose Bull Figure is right for you!
Moose Bull Toy Buying Guide (Hit the BACK button when done reviewing)
Moose are herbivores and are known to feed on a variety of plants, including leaves, twigs, and bark. They are also excellent swimmers and can swim long distances to reach new feeding grounds. In the winter, they use their sharp hooves to dig through the snow to find food.
One of the most impressive features of the moose is their antlers, which are shed and regrown every year. The antlers can span up to 6 feet across and weigh up to 70 pounds. The antlers are used for display and for fighting during the breeding season, which occurs in the fall. During this time, male moose compete for the attention of females by displaying their antlers and engaging in battles.
Despite their size, moose are surprisingly agile and fast. They can run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour and are excellent at navigating through dense forests. They are also excellent at swimming, and are known to swim across lakes and rivers in search of food or to escape predators.
Part of the Wildlife Series by Safari Ltd.
Hand Painted. Made of durable synthetic material.
Product Code: Safari Ltd. 181029
by Safari Ltd.
3+ Years
Small Parts. Not for children under 3 years.