This 2022 Ankylosaurus Toy Buying Guide intends to help you select the Ankylosaurus Figure Toy that is best for you based on features and your budget. We have ranked the Ankylosaurus from best to worst and identified special Ankylosaurus figures. However, that doesn't mean the highest rated Ankylosaurus is the right one for you as it may not be within your budget - or it may not be the size you are looking for. Here we discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the different Ankylosaurus figures to assist your decision making so that you can purchase the Ankylosaurus model that is best for you.

Ankylosaurus Overview:
There is a high degree of variation amongst many of these Ankylosaurus figures. Some are better quality than others - some are better value than others. There are a couple of figures we would avoid. Review the descriptions to make your best selection.Please click on the individual items and review our ACTUAL PRODUCT PICTURES to assist your buying decision.
Top 3 Ankylosaurus Toy Figure (tie): Schleich Ankylosaurus #15023

Size: The Schleich Ankylosaurus measures: 6” L x 3.5” H.
Product Highlights:
The green coloring makes this one of the most eye catching Ankylosaurus models. We like this figure overall. Back plates are unique round / spike shaped with nice texture. Raised tail is well formed. Head also has a great shape and nice look / texture. Belly is unique in that it is saggy skin as opposed to crocodile like scales. This is my personal favorite and one of the top 3 Ankylosaurus figures overall.
Drawbacks: None noted.
Top 3 Ankylosaurus Toy Figure (tie): Papo Ankylosaurus #55015

Size: The Papo Ankylosaurus measures: 5.25” L x 3.3” H.
Product Highlights:This is a great model from Papo and was selected as one of the top 3 Ankylosaurus figures in 2022. We feel this is one of the best backs on any of the figures. Nice variation in the height of spikes on the back. Nice coloring and texture overall. Head is well shaped and slightly up turned. Tail is raised high. We wish the club of the tail had more texture on it. Great figure from Papo. This is a great model to add to your Papo dinosaur collection
Drawbacks: None noted – great figure.
Top 3 Ankylosaurus Toy Figure (tie): PNSO Sede the Ankylosaurus #13

Size: The PNSO Sede the Ankylosaurus measures: 9” L x 2.6” H.
Product Highlights:
Voted in the top 3 Ankylosaurus figures in 2022. This is the largest and more expensive of the top 3. Most unique is the lighter color scheme on this figure. Even has some shades of light orange / pink on the figure. Overall form is well done - plates and spikes on the back are well shaped and well spaced. Club on the tail also has a nice shape. Good looking head - Overall a nice Ankylosaurus figure from PNSO.
A little more expensive but not outrageously so.
Largest Ankylosaurus Figure: CollectA Ankylosaurus #88639

Size: The CollectA Ankylosaurus measures: 10" L x 3.7" T.
Product Highlights:
This CollectA Ankylosaurus is huge relative to the competition. Measures 10" Long, but tail is curved upwards - reducing its length. Upward curved tail is the tallest point on this figure. Base colors are tan and brown - nice touches with red accents on the head and a red stripe down the figures back. Sturdy figure. Head (especially the mouth) looks a little simplistic. Overall a nice figure - large size is its best attribute.
Cheapest Ankylosaurus Figure: CollectA Brown Ankylosaurus #88143

Size: The CollectA Ankylosaurus measures: 6.5" L x 2.1" T.
Product Highlights:
This is generally one of the lower priced Ankylosaurus model options. Fairly standard figure. Back plates are low profile to the figure. Brown highlights on brown base don't stand out. Overall figure just looks brown. Head shape is fine - figure has a green eye. Overall a fine figure for its generally lower price point.
Colors are a little on the plain side.
Best Mojo Ankylosaurus Figure: Mojo Ankylosaurus #387234

Size: Mojo Ankylosaurus measures: 7" L x 2.4" T.
Product Highlights:
This is our favorite of the three Mojo Ankylosaurus options. The other two Mojo offerings are the same shape / mold with different paint colors. This figure actually is a different model / shape - and we like this shape the best of the three. The back plates are not as high - they are more square shaped. While the underside is a flat tan color, we like the grey / whitewash colors of this models back. While the mouth is closed on this figure, we like the head shape better. If picking one of the 3 Mojo Ankylosaurus figures, we would select this one.
Most Colorful Mojo Ankylosaurus Figure: Mojo Ankylosaurus #387382

Size: Mojo Ankylosaurus measures: 7.4" L x 2.5" T.
Product Highlights:
New, updated colors in 2022. Same shape as the Mojo #381025, but with light and dark brown base with orange accents. This is the brightest paint colors of any of the current Ankylosaurus models. The bright paint really makes the back plates and spikes stand out. Spikes on the sides are some of the "pointiest." Back paint is the nicest feature of this model Belly paint is plain. Model has a nice shape - head / face is a little basic / simple.
3rd Mojo Ankylosaurus Figure: Mojo Ankylosaurus #381025

Size: Mojo Ankylosaurus measures: 7.4" L x 2.5" T.
Product Highlights:
Same shape as the Mojo Ankylosaurus #387382, but with the original reddish / brownish base with silverish / whiteish plates / spikes (sort of like whitewash). You would pick between these two Mojo figures simply based on which paint colors you prefer. Model has a nice overall shape - head / face is a little basic / simple.
Least Favorite Ankylosaurus: Safari Ltd. Ankylosaurus #306129

Size: Safari Ltd. Ankylosaurus #306129 measures: 7.8" L x 2.4" T.
Product Highlights:
Most of the other Ankylosaurus models have some sort of back or side spikes. This figure only has plates. Plate shape and placement looks odd to us. Round plates on 1/2 the back. Odd shaped plates on the shoulders. Face beak is not pronounced. Overall the figure looks odd to us and paint scheme is average. Belly has some nice texture.
Drawbacks: Not our favorite figure.